This is a hip hop duo known as Sugar and Candy, the two sisters are well known for their welcoming personalities and their hardcore punchlines for days...they were born and raised in Soweto (snakepark) . After the year 2007 they moved from province to province and landed up in Limpopo province in Modimolle where they took their music into account...
They had recorded several tracks that they only did live performances for...
They moved back to Gauteng Johannesburg and recorded a "killer" track called *Thubakanya*. Thubakanya is their first track to be broadcasted, it can be found on Slikouronlife, SoundCloud and YouTube ( audio with lyrics).
They once were featured on an online radio show called the *Capital breakfast Show* where they were explaining how they came about becoming female rappers and what the disadvantages are of being that.
Sugar and Candy are taking Motswako to a whole new level and to them , "nothing comes with the gender label".