‘K.O.D’ Cover Artist Says J. Cole Allegedly Ripped Him Off

When an artist by the name of Sixmau, whose real name is Kamau Haroon, was negotiating with J. Cole about the K.O.D cover art, Cole allegedly told him that he would only be using the beautiful work for the project’s booklet and there was no mention of merchandise or anything extra. So when Sixmau found out that the rapper was selling merch with the album cover on it, he was shocked and felt ripped off. Sixmau is now making sure that everybody knows that he ended up getting the short end of the stick, calling out Cole on Twitter. As reported by Bossip, Sixmau is apparently not impressed by how the situation has been handled on the Dreamville side of things. Sixmau then went on social media to address the matter which you can peep below:

J. Cole has not responded to the allegations yet though…

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