eaa3330db613ae35ce59a63ec726c0d3a07fed78_600Kanye West has announced his upcoming movie which is set to hit the theatres soon,as a trailer was recently posted on his website revealing the movie. According to what was displayed on the clip, the trailer mixes footage from Yeezy’s mind blowing stage shows, which were mostly filled with lasers, man-made mountains and signature bejewelled masks, as well as the time-lapse skies and galloping horses that featured in the recent ‘Bound 2’ music video as seen on screens.

The Yeezus film will be a Hype Williams directed film, which does not surprise most as Williams is one of West’s favourite collaborators, who has shot more than a dozen of his videos such as ‘All of the Lights’, ‘Stronger’ and ‘Gold Digger’ to mention a few.yeezus-film-trailer-hype-williams-kanye-west

A date is yet to be disclosed for the release of the movie, which could put a hold on Kanye’s respond to Bret Easton Ellis’s recent discussion of a separate project. Mr West and the author apparently came together last year and began working on a scripted feature.

The West/Ellis collab is said to be a biopic based on “a narrative of Kanye’s life”.The proposed film is now apparently stuck “in Kanye land” with its “whole other time-frame”.

Yeezus always seems to be on the pursue of awesomeness and although critics say the movie is an attempt to resurrect sales of his current Yeezus album, it still hasn’t stopped the rapper from hitting the big screen.

 Written by: Rudzani “RooAT” Netshiheni

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