If you have a copy of the Aug/Sep issue (which if you don’t you should go out and buy it TODAY!) you would’ve came across our FREE mixtape –the first ever all-female line up that included the likes of Pilzy Lee, Devour, Gigi LaMayne, Sisiyanti, Protista, Mpress D’vine and more! In light of Women’s month, these ladies are coming together again to perform live at the So Co Show Queens of Hip Hip which goes down on Sat, 25 Aug, at Club OST in Newtown from 6pm onwards.
Let’s further the rise of our sistaz! Polite Sithole AKA P2daoh, who was the executive producer of the all female HYPE CD says “Female artists have traditionally faced many barriers in entering hip hop and have been marginalized as performers. Despite this many women rappers have found ways to contest and resist the objectification and exploitation of women in hip hop culture. Many other women rap and rap soul artists have adopted an independent woman persona. This opposes misogynistic representations of women in hip hop. Usually, a women’s value in rap music is as a backup singer or dancer (e.g. video hoes). Women have made a mark for themselves in the rap industry in the last ten years. It was then that women were given the recognition and respect that they deserved as an artist and lyricist. Female rappers use powerful lyrics in order to dispute traditional gender roles that are prevalent in our society.Female rap music focuses on promoting women’s importance, which in turn demands equal treatment for women and demonstrates the need for women to support each other and build. “
Get down to OST to support our sistaz!