Since housemates entered the Big Brother house on May 6, it has been a blowout of drama and entertainment! Housemates have been getting to know each other quite well so far and ofcourse, alliances have already begun.

The house is divided into ‘Upville’ (celebrities) and ‘Downville’ (normal folk), with Downville being the preferred and most watched house according to viewers of the show. South Africa’s very own model Babalwa Mneno is doing her thing in the Upville house, already being known for not taking any negativity or bullying from any other member within the house.

So far, the two South African representatives in the Downville house (Keagan and Lee); seem to be having a ball, interacting well with the rest of the full house. Since each housemate this year came in with a partner, one can only imagine the fun chaos that takes place on a daily basis.

Last Sunday saw the first eviction, with Zimbabwean Teclar (whose partner Maneta was instead sent to the Upville house) and Kenyans Hilda and Julio leaving the Downville house.

Catch BIG BROTHER STARGAME on DSTV, Channel 198 (24hrs)

Bridgette Makhela

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