The Frontline Digital Issue 2016

We will either find a way or we will make one – Hannibal


There is a war going on that our hip hop community probably isn’t aware of. There is a war going on that our hip hop community probably doesn’t care about. There are battles taking place that we might not even be conscious of taking place in plain sight.

For the longest period of time, our hip hop culture has constantly been striving to find a voice during times of evident hip hop cultural neglect. Time and time again SA hip hop has found itself battling within the vicinity of its own country, which leads to this Frontline HYPE online issue.

So let us break this down for you, okay? This concept is an insight into the war South Africa’s hip hop culture consistently continues to battle. It is HYPE’s perspective (not list) of those who we believe are at the Frontline of a hip hop war, fighting for the culture with the aim of making an even bigger impact on our hip hop community through their diversity, artistry and musical deliveries. The Frontline issue is set to highlight individuals who have effectively proved their talents and influences in SA hip hop, as the main feature takes a look at the Generals (Frontline hip hop artists) who we trust will have a bigger influence in the near future. The whole idea of being in HYPE’s Frontline is one that resonates with remaining consistent in musical deliveries.

So we reached out to a diversified handful of hip hop artists who we believe continue to fight for this culture we love so much through their commitment and sheer determination. It’s that untouchable fire that will persist to render the Frontline Generals dangerous in one way or another. All of the guys we will shine a spotlight on are unique. Unique from one another sure, but also unique from the game in how they are striving and adapting in an unavoidable ongoing war.

Although short with its context and subject, it is the consciousness of this online issue that hits home. A lot of calls were made, some missed, and yet the magnitude of our imagination could not comprehend what we had stumbled upon here. No one can be sure about the future, only predictions can be made and faith be practised. We all have our secret hip hop Generals who we are currently counting on to fight for us. We found ours (so far). Who are yours? Go ahead.


Choose Your General.

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