According to reports, the police ministry have confirmed that Nathi Nhleko is now facing a lawsuit by Khuli Chana. The Star newspaper reported that the rapper is bringing forth 3 claims which total over R2 million, one of which is emotional trauma he was subjected to after being accidentally shot by police officers, Mduduzi Mfundisi Nzuza and Sam Baloyi, in a case of mistaken identity last year.
“We know about it. It’s there with our legal team,” Nhleko’s spokesperson Musa Zondi told the press.
The first claim, for unlawful shooting is worth R1.5 million, while the second claim is for over half a million for the minister claiming that Chana tried to kill the police with his BMW. The last claim is reportedly for R250 000 for statements by a police spokesman who allegedly defamed the rapper by suggesting that he was guilty of criminal conduct for attempting to kill police.