AZEALIA-BANKSAzealia Banks is becoming more and more famous for her attention-seeking antics than for her music. She knows exactly what buttons to push make controversy but it looks like this time she may have pushed the wrong one.

So on June 16 she started a war that she may not know how to end when she took to Twitter to attack T.I. and his wife Tiny. T.I. had just dropped his new single “No Mediocre”, which features Azealia’s enemy Iggy Azalea and it seems Ms. Banks was less than impressed with the track. Unprovoked, she hopped on the social networking site to share mean messages about Tip’s wife: “U want no mediocre but …Have you seen your wife?” The following day, on June 17, she followed up with even nastier tweets. “Wha happens when ur wife has meth mouth? What do u do?” she tweeted, before adding: “The nigga shouting bad bitches this bad bitches that, is almost always at home with some busted bumpkin.”

If you thought Azealia’s tweets were vicious, wait until you see T.I.’s response. Of course it’s no secret that the Atlanta rapper doesn’t take kindly to anyone who messes with his family. Remember last month when he got into a brawl with the undefeated eight-time world champion boxer Floyd Mayweather because of an Instagram photo of the boxer with the rapper’s wife?

Back to the feud at hand, T.I. caught wind of Azealia’s messages and finally responded yesterday by sending her a chilling warning on Instagram, threatening to “end” her life. T.I.’s retort reads as follows: “U musty-mouthed-thot-bot-bad-body-syphilis-lipped-rectum-vomit-unimportant-ugggggly-monstronsity-of-a-maggot-ass BIIIIITCCHHHH!!!!!! If you speak ill of my family again….. I WILL END YOU!!!!! #OnPHIL #onDOE #NoBuuulllshit peop fall down stairs daily… U better watch yo step, u ugly-ass Gremlin-baby #nerveofdisCretin #f-kouttaheaFollow”. Sjoe! That is one helluva comeback.

Azealia, who later responded by that she’ll sue T.I., is known for making headlines for all the wrong reasons and since last year she’s had feuds with fellow femcees such as the aforementioned Iggy, Nicki MinAj, Angel Haze, Kreayshawn and Lil Kim – and other rappers including Jim Jones.

Written by: Moza Moyo.

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