After a tragic house fire in Ohio, USA where 6 people (5 siblings) died, The Game has teamed up with Drake to help cover the funeral expenses, giving the mother of the victims, Anna Angel, about $22,500 (over R200k). Angel was working her shift at Burger King when a fire broke out at her home, killing her boyfriend and 5 young children who were trapped inside. The Game had Instagram’d about the tragedy, saying, “I can deal with a lot of things but people losing their children is something that kills me every time.” Drake then posted about the situation, saying: “What [The Game] is doing will never be forgotten. Honored to be able to help people along side my brother.” They reportedly been on the phone when Game came across the story. Him and Drizzy immediately agreed to both donate.
The Game has recently taken a keen interest in philanthropy and is having a positive influence on other rappers’ charitable efforts too, having recently donated thousands of dollars to help bury a 6-year-old girl that was shot and killed in front of her home. Snoop also pitched in after learning about Game’s contribution. Pledging to donate $1million to people in need as part of his Robin Hood project that he launched while on tour in Australia, The Game has vowed to give this money to those in need before Christmas. He wrote, “The other day I posted this pic of an African child I met in Australia playing outside the grocery store. His story of his families hardships & struggles to get away from the terror they left behind touched me so I gave him what I had on me… Which was an Australian $20 bill… As the days passed, I thought about him over & over & over & the only thing that bothered me about that night was that I didn’t have more on me to give him at that time. For some reason I just didn’t bring more money from the hotel. Since I can’t shake that feeling… I have decided to give $1,000,000 to people I come in contact with around the world every day until Christmas. Don’t even know if that’s possible but I’ve set my heart on trying!!! I’ve created a new account specifically for those who would like to Follow @therobinhoodproject & support me on this journey.”